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Looking to Raise Capital?

The SILC Group is committed to developing and executing targeted capital raising solutions for select investment managers and asset sponsors, adding notable value at every stage of the fundraising process. Using as its marketing interface, The SILC Group can maximise exposure of your investment opportunity to the widest array of curated wholesale investors.

Development & Implementation

Our team thoughtfully develops and allocates dedicated resources on each mandate. We work closely with our clients across all aspects of the fundraising process which include:

  • Formulating pre-marketing strategies
  • Preparation of marketing materials and facilitating roadshows/investor meetings
  • Liaise with potential investors and coordinate the due diligence process
  • Competitive positioning and terms negotiations

Capital Raising & Private Placement

Collectively, our team is able to draw on longstanding relationships with our network of wholesale and sophisticated investors, both globally and locally.

Drawing on their combined knowledge and experiences, our team is equipped with a deep understanding of various investor appetites and asset allocations, enabling them to offer alternative asset investment opportunities specific to the needs of wholesale investors.

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